His kindergarten teacher described O.Z. Hall III’s first story as “pedestrian” and “lacking conviction.”  After many difficult years, O.Z. graduated from kindergarten with his desire to write intact. He was determined to prove them wrong: his kindergarten teacher; the education and health care professionals who strongly agreed with her; many others whose names are lost to history.  

Striking out as a fresh-faced seventeen year old, O.Z. experienced a crushing series of rejections and outright ridicule from the publishing world at large, with the unfortunate exception of the underground “zine” scene.  Since there was more hepatitis than money in ‘zines, O.Z. retreated into the true demimonde:  bare knuckle prize fighting aboard the mega yachts of the super rich.  Summers off the coast of Cozumel, wintering in Tahiti with trillionaire wahhabists - these were the good times.

Yet and still, the pull of the written word remained.  O.Z. said goodbye to his prodigal ways and returned to America to write professionally.  Take the advise of his past clients, one of whom is rumored to have said, “Hire him to write for you or live with burning, torturous regret.”